Ellery's Cupcakes
It's that time of year again...Ellery's birthday. For now she is my barometer of how old I am. Once Jones turns 1, he will take her spot. Ellery will be 5 yrs old on the 16th of March. I can't believe it! From colicky baby, to defiant toddler to an inquisitive learner, she has transformed. Where once there were tears, now there seems to be more laughter. In all her glory she our child of extremes. She is rarely just OK...she lives life on the poles; VERY HAPPY or VERY ANGRY. Once you figure her out, she is tender and loving and insistent on negotiating every rule. She challenges us with her wits on a daily basis and we don't think that is ever going to end. She has a competetive nature, which makes life a fun contest (who can go to sleep first, stay asleep the longest, run faster, whistle louder and so on and so forth). She needs clear expectations at every turn which we try hard to set up for her so no one is disappointed.
Aleah came home from school towards the end and finished off whatever Elle had left.
We are having her birthday party this Sunday because her birthday falls on spring break. So we will be off on an adventure that week in Cambodia and Vietnam, but will be sure to do something fun (thinking hot air balloon over Angkor Wat) to celebrate! Today, she and I made cupcakes for the party.
She did almost all of it herself and loved it, never getting bored.
Ellery licking the spoon on the first batch of cupcakes.
Super cute, seems like just yesterday I was in that delivery room with the whole state of CO. Tell her Happy Birthday from Aunt Jenni and Uncle Derek. I know it shounds cheap, but I'll bring her present with me in May