One week down!

We have been in Manila for just over eight days and at times it feels like years and other moments, just a few minutes. It has though been plenty of time to come up with some fun photos and updates for you all on our progress.

did know one student in the class from our previous time here, so that was nice too. All after school activities are done on campus here, after school. The activities list was given out a few months ago, so being that we are late signing up, almost everything was taken. See, the girls are joining swim team here and they practice Tue, Wed and Thurs after school. That leaves Mon and Fri for another activity. Ellery and Aleah had to choose from Akido and Ballet...not much of a choice.. Ellery chose Ballet and starts on Monday afternoon. Our biggest concern for her is that she makes it to the bus after her activities. She tends to be our wanderer, losing herself in her latest thought and she will have to be prompt and at the bus at 3:30pm to catch a ride home. Cross your fingers everyone, this is a HUGE test for her.
Aleah, on the other hand, has a sweet teacher (Ms. Walshe) that she is already fond of. Aleah falls in love easily with people, which is an attribute that makes her endearing and perpetually heartbroken at the same time. We wouldn't change this about her at all! Aleah knew a girl in her class as well, so that was a nice surprise. Even more, the girl is on swim team, so now she has a buddy in two areas of her life. She was even invited to a sleepover next weekend by another girl. soon?
Aleah had a more regular day of classes, which also came with some frustration. She got in the car and said "I almost cried today." Heart in a million pieces, I gently asked "Why, what happened"? Apparently, the class was working on decimal places and she hadn't learned about them yet. The teacher was sitting with her and trying to teach her, but she couldn't come up with the answer. (this is typical of her at home too, when the synapses aren't connecting) Just when she was about to lose it, it all clicked! She gets the decimal piece and was flying through her worksheets. The teacher told her she must have studied them before as she was catching on so quickly. Whew...tragedy averted! Other than that, she had a great day and re-connected with some other friends she knew before who are in other classes and some girls that have "turned nice" since she was here before. Yes, I see the red flag in the "turned nice" and we will keep apprised on the broken heart that may be pending...
Aleah did not choose another after school activity, so she will just come straight home Monday and Friday on the 2:30pm bus.
Jones had an interesting week as well. He did a trial morning at two preschools and then had a tough time parting from me the 2nd and 3rd day of his new school. Breaks my heart, but he is so happy when I pick him up! Hopefully, the one week separation curse will end next week.

-pictured on the right is Jones playing on the playground at the girls' school
-pictured left is how hard he crashes!
In the meantime, Curt had his first work all day, nap and work all night routine he is known for pulling off here. We have both transitioned easily thus making it all so much less stressful. It does help to know where to go to buy things, who to call and how to coordinate a helper and a driver. Things that caused great stress before are a walk in the park this time. We are thrilled to have our old helper, Marie, back and she has made life simple. I can run out to the store on a whim and lunch can be made without my nice! Our air shipment arrived last week, which means we have a computer in the apartment and golf clubs, so maybe I can play a little golf soon!
Missing the snow!
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