Our dearest, Jones, at 5 mos!
Just because he's changing so much these days, I thought I would send a few pictures of Jones. And just because people, mainly grandparents and aunts and uncles, want to see what he is like in action, I added a little video of him. He's not doing anything special, he's just being Jones. When I set out to take the pictures last week, I was trying to get those cute baby pictures of him playing with his feet. He has recently discovered them and plays with his toes, mostly during diaper changes.
For those of you who don't really know him, let me give you a little taste of this adorable little baby. He is the most animated and smiley of our children. He rarely cries, though he will fuss and groan here and there to communicate. He is pure joy in human form! He smiles when you get him up from his nap and giggles before you lay him down to sleep. Everyone around him enjoys his presence as he enjoys theirs. He is fueled by the attention of others and is truly delighted when you talk to him.
We hope the pictures and video help you grasp some of his personality and bring you closer to us! Enjoy!
Having Jones has been so amazing for me, as 4 1/2 yrs between the 2nd and 3rd is a bit of break. I was concerned I would forget things, be too easy to leave him with sitters (that is VERY easy to do here) and would struggle with the sleep deprivation so much that I would never want a 4th. That is the EXACT opposite thing that occurred. I haven't forgotten much at all (or nothing I can't solve with a quick "google"), I NEVER want to leave him (but force myself to have some sort of life here with adults only), and want 10 more kids like him! Granted, life with 3 here is much different than life with 3 in the US. I could have 10 kids here and not bat an eye, but in the US...gets much more complicated.
Ellery and Aleah are just as delighted by his presence as Curt and I are. They love to show him off and are tickled they have the ability to make him laugh. He has brought us all together as a family. Understanding that living in the Philippines allows parents to part paths with their children with the ever present "yaya" to stand in your place, you can see how parents "come into their own" with a new found freedom we don't have in the US. All this self-exploration can have you spending more time outside the home with friends than at home with family. Although we were not an extreme case, Jones has anchored us, forced us to slow down and smell the roses.
We hope the pictures and video help you grasp some of his personality and bring you closer to us! Enjoy!
I can't wait to squeeze him again!