Lil’ Swimmer

Today marks the first day Jones has gone swimming! Thus far in his life, Curt has taken the girls to the pool while Jones naps and I catch up on the never ending “to do” list. But today….today, was a day for the baby books. We were all so excited to get in the water with him. Aleah wouldn’t even go play until he could come in (he had to eat first), so she just hung out, patiently waiting. There really isn’t too much of a build up. The end result is that he loved it! IMG_9642


We  all had a good time  seeing his reaction and enjoying his smile. I think at this stage with a third baby, I am enjoying the girls, as they watch Jones do all his “firsts.” I feel like I was just prodding them along not too long ago and now they are helping him as he grows up. It’s pretty sweet!

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