Slight Hiatus

I know a have one or two people that check to see if I have written a new blog on a daily basis. With my new “fan” base, I thought I owed you a bit of an explanation as to why I have been a bit quiet this week. First of all, I have hopped back on my “exercise" wagon and the time I have been blogging in the morning was eaten up by 6 consecutive games of squash, where Curt kicked my butt, one exhilarating run on the treadmill and taking the girls to school this morning. On another note, and probably the most significant reason for my silence, is that Curt and I lost a friend this weekend to ovarian cancer. She was a friend and neighbor from Colorado who we have been keeping in touch with from over here. Her contagiously optimistic and bubbly personality has kept me from writing a sad, somber blog about how much darker this world is without her sunshine. She would frown upon the drama! For those of you who have read my blog from the beginning, I did talk of her as one of my inspirations for getting my lazy butt out of this chair and working out almost every day.

Needless to say, it was tough to write a blog on having clothes made here or furniture or anything else that I had on my list to write about. All the sudden, it all seemed so insignificant. Instead, I am just going to give the blogging a rest for a few more days, ponder what great attributes of Shelly’s I would like to carry on in myself (I do this a lot with people I like…try to snag a good trait of theirs and incorporate it into by being. Often I fail, but at least I try to be a better person…), and think about how I can send my respects to her family.

Tomorrow evening we head to Hong Kong….ok, but only because we are going to Hong Kong Disney and we haven’t been there yet. So, I am sure I will send pictures early next week. For now, take care, kiss your loved ones and make a toast to Shelly and her incredible family!


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