He CAN do it!

Those of you the spent some time with us around the holidays, know that we were desperately trying to get Jones to roll from his back to his stomach. He was stubborn and never gave his grandparents the prize. In fact...he never gave his parents the prize either. Last week, I jumped in the shower and left him in the family room with the yayas (the "nannies" here are called yayas...or noonies as some of my girlfriends in the states refer to them...) to play. I stroll out about 30 minutes later and Beth (one of our yayas) says, "Ma'am, he just rolled over to his tummy earlier." NO WAY! Seriously, we have all stood vigilant at his side for a month now waiting... and waiting... I was crushed. Having help has many benefits, but one of them is NOT sharing in your child's "firsts" when you aren't present. I immediately texted Curt and planned my speech for how I was going to explain to Beth that she is fired. UGH! No, I didn't fire her, it wasn't her fault, but now I am thinking she should have kept it to herself!

The good news is, I grabbed the camera and coaxed him to do it again...Here it is!


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