I will be the first to admit I get a bit dramatic at times. Today is one of those days. It most often happens during a run or on a day where I am feeling particularly tired. Today, it was on my long run. As I am finally getting my p's and q's together and getting in shape, it struck me that I have been doing so these last few weeks without much effort. Now how I can do that now vs. two months ago...? There lies my philosophical question of the day. Here is what I think (as if you needed to ask me) has happened: Lately I have been thinking a lot of three specific people in my life; my brother, Matthew, my brother, Ryan and my neighbor in CO, Shelly.

Each of them give me strength in their own way. Matthew is currently in Baghdad (well, we think he is, but who really knows) serving in his 2nd tour. He's only been there about 4 wks, but he has already lost people he knows. I can only imagine what this is like for him. Ryan just left last week for selection to MARSOC (Marine Special Ops) and I know he is enduring the first of three weeks of hell! Shelly, has been kicking some cancer ass this past year and manages to get up and smile and enjoys life every minute. She has always been this way, but her strength is contagious.

So...I salute them all and think of them when I don't want to go to the gym. They are each my heroes and I can't thank them enough for the strength they have given me.
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