Sleeping Beauties!
While we were in Dallas after Christmas we rented a car. I admit, I was late on remembering that we needed a car, so when Curt went to rent one, we were lucky to even get the small SUV they had. For those of you who have 3 kids, you know, 3 car seats rarely fit across the backseat of any car. 

Every single time we got into the car, it was quite an ordeal; remove Aleah's booster, buckle Jones in, replace Aleah's booster, squeeze hand in small slot to reach Aleah's buckle, push on Aleah's booster as hard as possible to squish it into the car, then slam the car door shut, hoping you didn't catch any fingers or toes. Suffice it to say, we are either a van family or a suburban family, but we are definitely beyond the reach of other vehicles!
One good thing to come of such cramped quarters, is that the kids were able to chat with Jones, replace his pacifier and all were within swatting reach. ;) On several occassions, Ellery would hold Jones' hand to get him to go to sleep. She was convinced this was the magic trick. On this particular occassion, she, too, was "tricked" into sleep. Still holding hands when we arrived at our destination, there they were, two peas in a pod!
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