Kitchen Part 4

Right now, all kids are asleep and I am avoiding the packing I need to do for our home leave. It’s sooo overwhelming. It involves cleaning out ALL the children’s clothes. I try to bring home the things Ellery and Jones have grown out of as we have little storage space here and things stacked all over. Procrastination is the only reason I blog and that’s not something I admit easily. See, now that I made it public, it means what Curt used to enjoy seeing me write, will become something he begs me to stop as he knows I only write when I have other things to do…see the issue? Oh well, I can take him. ;)

At this point the “bones” of the kitchen and family room are complete, it’s now time for the prettier, more detail-oriented items. Let’s skip ahead to just last week, May 29th.

 May 29th 1

From the family room looking in.

May 29th 3

Same vantage point, but with a right turn. Floors are sanded and prepped for stain.

May 29th 4

Other than the sanding, this doesn’t look much different.

For the sake of not adding another blog entry, I am also posting the pictures from May 31st, as they are different from May 29th. With our return a week away, this project just went into overdrive!

June 1st 1

The floors look awesome! I believe there is one coat left, so it’s still not finished.

June 1st 5

The framing of the built in bench seating is underway.

June 1st 14

I am sure the wires and water lines go somewhere…

June 1st 12

Look at all the light! Man, I miss CO so much.

June 1st 13

I think the view is great. Green grass to return to and a place for the kids to play outside…it’s time to be in our house, we need it.

I hear paint starts Monday (which is today in both time zones, but they would be painting in the dark if it were here as it’s 9pm on Monday), cabinets due in Tuesday. Installing cabinets Wednesday, then appliances, granite…and so and so forth…a busy week ahead and hopefully, full of more pictures (please, Mike!).


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